Rules & Regulations
COVID-19 Alert: We ask that you follow all Government of Alberta regulations. If you have traveled outside of Alberta in the last 14 days, been sick, or been in contact with anyone who has been sick we ask that you stay home to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Please practice social distancing, wash your hands regularly and limit your interactions to your cohort family. Our primary concern is the health and safety of our tenants, staff and guests while on our property.
The following are some of our general rules set out for all guests and visitors to our property.
The PLGC Lease Agreement sets out additional conditions regarding annual lease of our RV sites and can be found in the lease agreement located HERE.
The term “Tenant”, as used in these Rules and Regulations, includes the party signing this Agreement, the Tenant’s spouse and the Tenant’s children to the age of 18. Overnight visitors with their own recreational vehicle are required to rent a campsite or RV lot within the Park, for a fee as set by the Landlord. The Tenant may permit his or her immediate family to use their RV and the Site and the Tenant acknowledges and agrees that the Tenant will be responsible for the behavior of such family members. The Landlord reserves the right (in the Landlord’s sole and unfettered discretion) to limit the number of visitors within the Park. Unusually large family reunions or visitor gatherings that are likely to disrupt other RV Tenants’ enjoyment of the Park will only be allowed if the Landlord’s prior written consent is obtained. The Landlord can withhold such consent for any reason whatsoever without giving any reason therefor.
a) Each Site shall only accommodate one recreational vehicle that is either a trailer, a motor home or, with the Landlord’s written consent, a park model. The water supply faucet and the power supply at each Site will be used only for the designated recreational vehicle for the Site. Visitors with their own recreational vehicle must park in areas designated by the Landlord.
b) The Site is to be kept in a neat, tidy and clean condition, including the lawn areas around the Site. The Tenant shall also keep the Site in such condition aforesaid in accordance with any written notice from the Landlord. Failure to comply will result in an insufficient Site maintenance assessment of $50.00 per week determined by the Landlord in its sole and unfettered discretion, and shall be paid forthwith upon being invoiced therefore by the Landlord.
c) Except as specifically permitted by this Agreement, additional storage sheds, decks, bunk houses, gazebos and fences shall not be placed on the Site and Park without the Landlord’s prior written consent. The Landlord can withhold such consent for any reason whatsoever without giving any reason therefor.
d) Tenant Improvements
i. Tenant Improvements are not to exceed 1,000 square feet of total ground coverage.
ii. Maximum two (2) sheds per Site, with a maximum size of one hundred twenty (120) square feet per shed.
iii. Shall not be built within four (4) feet of neighboring Tenant’s structures, regardless of the placement of those neighboring structures.
iv. Shall be setback a minimum of four (4) feet from PLGC roads.
Existing Tenant improvements that do not meet the section 2d) rules (excluding number of sheds) as of April 1st, 2022 may remain “as-is” until a transfer of ownership takes place. Prior to any transfer of ownership (including but not limited to sale, gift bequeathment) the Site must be brought into compliance with the rules before a transfer of ownership will be accepted by the Landlord.
After April 1st, 2022, if a Site has NOT been brought into compliance with the section 2d) rules prior to a transfer of ownership taking place, the Landlord will immediately demand that the new owner bring the Site into compliance. Any cost, legal suit, or other remedy sought by the new Tenant shall be the sole responsibility of the previous Tenant.
All signatories to this Agreement will hold the Landlord, Pigeon Lake Golf Club (1991) Holdings Ltd. and each of their directors, officers, employees, contractors, managers, agents and shareholders, and all of their successors and assigns, from any and all costs, charges, claims, actions, losses, damages, expenses and liabilities (including the Landlord’s legal costs as between solicitor and their own client on a full indemnity basis) that may result from any transfer of ownership.
The Landlord, in its sole unfettered discretion, will exercise any and all rights available to it under this Lease Agreement to bring Sites into compliance upon transfer of ownership.
e) The Tenant shall ensure that any structure built on the Site is safe, in good repair and in a condition not likely to cause injury to any persons on the Site. The Landlord reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to declare any of the Tenant’s structures to be unsafe, in which case such structure shall be dismantled or repaired by the Tenant to the satisfaction of the Landlord. At the end of the Lease Term, the Tenant shall remove all structures on the Site and restore the Site to its original state, subject to the Landlord’s direction. The Tenant is responsible for complying with the Alberta Fire Code at their expense. The Landlord may require that Tenant Improvements be removed or modified if they pose a fire hazard as determined by the Landlord in their sole and unfettered discretion.
f) The Tenant is entitled to use one electrical receptacle and the water supply located within the Tenant’s Site. These facilities shall not be shared with other recreational vehicles.
g) No dumping of grey water or sewage is permitted to be carried out by the Tenant on the Park’s grounds
h) Clothes lines may not exceed six feet in height and must be removed at the end of the Season.
i) Satellite dishes, nails, screws or bolts shall not be inserted into trees anywhere within the park.
j) Upon written Tenant notification to the Landlord, and within reasonable timeframe as determined in the sole, unfettered discretion of the Landlord, PLGC Management will have tree health assessed, and if necessary, will remove dangerous trees from the Property. If trees are required to be removed from a Site, the Tenant, at the Tenant’s cost, shall remove recreational vehicles, fencing and other structures to facilitate such removal. Unauthorized tree and vegetation removal are strictly prohibited and may lead to eviction. The cost to replace any trees either deliberately or unintentionally damaged is the sole responsibility of the Tenant.
k) If a Tenant has a tree they would like removed for other reasons (aesthetics, room to park etc.) the Landlord may consider this request in writing if the Tenant agrees to cover the cost of removal. Typically, the removal cost is $350 - $800 per tree depending on its location, size and difficulty to remove. These requests can be emailed to
The Landlord reserves the unfettered right to determine who enters the Park. Upon complaint, the Landlord may require the Tenant’s visitors to leave the property.
Tenants will NOT enter the PLGC maintenance buildings or cart shed without the prior expressed consent of the Landlord or PLGC staff.
The Landlord will provide weekly garbage and recycling collection. All house hold garbage must be bagged, tied and placed in the Park trash bins by 9am on the garbage collection date, and that date will be communicated to Tenants. Garbage containers must be concealed from view on RV Sites. Grass clippings and/or leaves, and empty bottles for recycling must be placed in clear garbage bags. Cardboard must be broken down and tied in a manner which enables easy compaction. Large item, electronics and hazardous item disposal is the responsibility of the Tenant. Tenants shall not deposit leaves, ashes, wood, propane bottles, barbeques, furniture, lawn chairs, large objects or any other unaccepted material posted into the Park garbage bins. Bins are to be used courteously and with respect for other Tenants.
Operating a business, sub-letting (ex. AirBnB, VRBO), or any other revenue generating activities by the Tenant on park property is strictly prohibited and may lead to eviction in the Landlord’s sole and unfettered discretion
The Tenant shall ensure that all persons under the age of 18 will be confined to their Site after 11:00 p.m., unless accompanied by an adult.
No bicycles are to be ridden in the park after dusk. Bicycles are NOT to be ridden within the golf course at any time: not on cart paths, not on course greens, not on fairways, nor any part of the golf course.
Quiet time is from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Tenants are required to keep noise to a level that will not disturb other users of the Park during that time. Loud music is not allowed at any time. Activities that generate noise that may be objectionable or disturb other Tenants are not allowed after 11:00 p.m. The Landlord may determine what constitutes unacceptable noise and the Tenant shall be bound by the Landlord’s decision.
The speed limit within the Park is 10 km/hour and Tenants shall adhere to this. Pedestrians have the right of way at all times. Speeding or stunting is sufficient cause for immediate termination of the Tenant’s Lease. At the Landlord’s sole and unfettered discretion, the Landlord may issue a written warning for such violations or immediately terminate the Tenant’s Lease for speeding or stunting.
No one under 16 years of age or without valid driver’s license is permitted to operate a golf cart anywhere on PLGC property.
All golf carts on PLGC property require a paid annual cart pass / trail fee regardless of whether or not the Tenant plays golf.
Dirt bikes, mini-bikes, all-terrain vehicles, quads, side-by-sides and similar vehicles shall not be brought into nor operated within the Park.
Advertising signs or other postings are not permitted on the Site. The Landlord may provide a bulletin board for Tenant advertising.
There is no area on the PLGC property that is “off leash”.
Pets must be on a leash and under control, whenever outdoors within the Park. Pets are strictly prohibited on the golf course fairways and greens. Noisy, unruly, or dangerous pets as determined by the Landlord, in its sole unfettered discretion, shall not be permitted to remain or return to the Park.
Tenants must remove pet droppings by bagging same and placing such bags into Park garbage bins.
The Landlord takes dangerous and/or aggressive pet complaints seriously. If the Landlord receives a dangerous and/or aggressive pet complaint, the offending Tenant shall be issued with a warning letter requiring the Tenant to get their pet under control. Any further, subsequent, complaint(s) will result in the Tenant being instructed to immediately remove the offending pet from PLGC property.
Noisy, unruly, or dangerous pets as determined by the Landlord, in its sole unfettered discretion, shall not be permitted to remain or return to the Park. Failure to remove the offending pet may result in the termination of this Agreement.
Tenants will not feed or interfere with wildlife on PLGC property.
Tenants are responsible for rodent control within their Site. Rodent poison is limited to Warfarin in pet-proof containers only and is not to be placed outside the Tenant’s recreational vehicle.
Fires are permitted provided that they are contained in a removable fire-safe container and positioned at least 2 meters away from any structure or combustible surface and in accordance with municipal bylaws. The Tenant shall not scorch or damage the grass or trees. Fires are to be attended at all times. Tenants must obey all municipal fire ban or fire restriction regulations.
Failure to comply with the foregoing will result in immediate termination of the Tenant’s Lease Agreement.
Firewood is available for purchase through the golf course check-in counter.
The Tenant shall not store gasoline anywhere in the Park unless the gasoline is stored in Canadian Standards Association approved containers, in all totaling 10 liters or less.
Large appliance usage, such as freezers, welders, etc. are strictly prohibited.
Refrigerators, separate of the one that was originally installed in Tenant’s recreational vehicles, will only be permitted on PLGC property if they are “Energy Star” rated, under 20 cubic feet in size, and newer than 2018 model year.
All other refrigerators MUST be removed from PLGC property. Refrigerators that cannot be verified by the Landlord to meet these requirements are also barred from PLGC property. Failure to remove a non-compliant refrigerator will result in a $300 assessment to the Tenant and possible further action as determined by the sole unfettered discretion of the Landlord.
All watercraft, watercraft trailers, and boat lifts(collectively “Watercraft”) on PLGC property must display a readable, visible, water proof and laminated label which includes the Tenant’s name, Site number and contact information.
Watercraft may only be stored on Site between October 1st and May 15th with the Landlord’s written approval. Watercraft storage on Site may not result in congestion of an area, block off traffic flow, or block another Tenant’s view.
No watercraft (including their trailers) are to be stored within the Park during the period of May 16th through to September 30th inclusively.
An alternate storage yard area is available, provided the Tenant registers at the Landlord’s office and pays the Landlord’s storage fee. Storage yard sites will be rented out on an annual basis at the start of the “Season” being April 1st.
It is the Tenant’s responsibility to keep the grass well-groomed and in a neat and tidy state in their storage yard site, failing which the Landlord reserves the right to prevent the Tenant from storing Watercraft within the Park. Unapproved offseason storage of large and unsightly chattels on Site may be subject to penalties in an amount determined by the Landlord and invoiced to the Tenant which amount shall be paid immediately upon receipt of the said invoice. The Tenant assumes all risk in connection with the storage of Watercraft and releases the Landlord in connection with any claims which the Tenant may have against the Landlord for such damage or loss. The Tenant also indemnifies the Landlord in connection with claims made by third parties against the Landlord for loss to the third party’s Watercraft as a result of the acts or omissions of the Tenant.
Tenants shall at all times be courteous and respectful to the Landlord’s staff and other Tenants.
Tenants are permitted to park one passenger vehicle within the boundaries of the Site. Parking is strictly prohibited on interior roadways, green spaces, and vacant lots.
In the event that any PLGC property, including the Site, is directly or indirectly damaged by the Tenant, the Tenant’s spouse or children or the Tenant’s guests or visitors, it is the Tenant’s responsibility to repair such damage, at the Tenant’s own cost. If the Tenant fails to repair the said damage within a reasonable time, the Landlord may, but is not require to, carry out such repairs and recover any and all costs incurred by the Landlord on such repairs, (including the Landlord’s legal costs as between solicitor and their own client on a full indemnity basis) from the Tenant.
The Landlord has a no tolerance policy for fireworks and firearms. The Tenant shall not use fireworks, firecrackers, or cap guns within the Park. No firearms, bows, crossbows or weapons of any kind are allowed within the Park. Any breach of the foregoing will result in a $500 fine and possible immediate termination of this Agreement.
Washing of recreational vehicles, vehicles and watercraft is not permitted without prior, written permission of the Landlord.
If this Agreement is terminated, the Tenant will be allowed fourteen (14) clear days between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., to remove all personal belongings, recreational vehicles and Tenant Improvements that are required to be removed.
If any fluids leak from the recreational vehicle (for example, oil, gasoline, anti-freeze, transmission fluid or any other liquids or contaminants) then the Tenant shall, at the Tenant’s cost, remove all soil contaminated thereby and shall replace the soil removed with new clean soil. If the Tenant fails to perform their obligations as aforesaid, then the Landlord may take all steps to remove such contamination and replace the removed soil with clean soil and all costs incurred by the Landlord in so doing shall be paid by the Tenant to the Landlord on demand.
The term “Tenant”, as used in these Rules and Regulations, includes the party signing this Agreement, the Tenant’s spouse and the Tenant’s children to the age of 18. Overnight visitors with their own recreational vehicle are required to rent a campsite or RV lot within the Park, for a fee as set by the Landlord. The Tenant may permit his or her immediate family to use their RV and the Site and the Tenant acknowledges and agrees that the Tenant will be responsible for the behavior of such family members. The Landlord reserves the right (in the Landlord’s sole and unfettered discretion) to limit the number of visitors within the Park. Unusually large family reunions or visitor gatherings that are likely to disrupt other RV Tenants’ enjoyment of the Park will only be allowed if the Landlord’s prior written consent is obtained. The Landlord can withhold such consent for any reason whatsoever without giving any reason therefor.
The Landlord reserves the unfettered right to determine who enters the Park. Upon complaint, the Landlord may require the Tenant’s visitors to leave the property.
Tenants will NOT enter the PLGC maintenance buildings or cart shed without the prior expressed consent of the Landlord or PLGC staff.
Operating a business, sub-letting (ex. AirBnB, VRBO), or any other revenue generating activities by the Tenant on park property is strictly prohibited and may lead to eviction in the Landlord’s sole and unfettered discretion
No bicycles are to be ridden in the park after dusk. Bicycles are NOT to be ridden within the golf course at any time: not on cart paths, not on course greens, not on fairways, nor any part of the golf course.
The speed limit within the Park is 10 km/hour and Tenants shall adhere to this. Pedestrians have the right of way at all times. Speeding or stunting is sufficient cause for immediate termination of the Tenant’s Lease. At the Landlord’s sole and unfettered discretion, the Landlord may issue a written warning for such violations or immediately terminate the Tenant’s Lease for speeding or stunting.
Dirt bikes, mini-bikes, all-terrain vehicles, quads, side-by-sides and similar vehicles shall not be brought into nor operated within the Park.
There is no area on the PLGC property that is “off leash”.
Pets must be on a leash and under control, whenever outdoors within the Park. Pets are strictly prohibited on the golf course fairways and greens. Noisy, unruly, or dangerous pets as determined by the Landlord, in its sole unfettered discretion, shall not be permitted to remain or return to the Park.
Tenants must remove pet droppings by bagging same and placing such bags into Park garbage bins.
The Landlord takes dangerous and/or aggressive pet complaints seriously. If the Landlord receives a dangerous and/or aggressive pet complaint, the offending Tenant shall be issued with a warning letter requiring the Tenant to get their pet under control. Any further, subsequent, complaint(s) will result in the Tenant being instructed to immediately remove the offending pet from PLGC property.
Noisy, unruly, or dangerous pets as determined by the Landlord, in its sole unfettered discretion, shall not be permitted to remain or return to the Park. Failure to remove the offending pet may result in the termination of this Agreement.
Fires are permitted provided that they are contained in a removable fire-safe container and positioned at least 2 meters away from any structure or combustible surface and in accordance with municipal bylaws. The Tenant shall not scorch or damage the grass or trees. Fires are to be attended at all times. Tenants must obey all municipal fire ban or fire restriction regulations.
Failure to comply with the foregoing will result in immediate termination of the Tenant’s Lease Agreement.
The Tenant shall not store gasoline anywhere in the Park unless the gasoline is stored in Canadian Standards Association approved containers, in all totaling 10 liters or less.
All watercraft, watercraft trailers, and boat lifts(collectively “Watercraft”) on PLGC property must display a readable, visible, water proof and laminated label which includes the Tenant’s name, Site number and contact information.
Watercraft may only be stored on Site between October 1st and May 15th with the Landlord’s written approval. Watercraft storage on Site may not result in congestion of an area, block off traffic flow, or block another Tenant’s view.
No watercraft (including their trailers) are to be stored within the Park during the period of May 16th through to September 30th inclusively.
An alternate storage yard area is available, provided the Tenant registers at the Landlord’s office and pays the Landlord’s storage fee. Storage yard sites will be rented out on an annual basis at the start of the “Season” being April 1st.
It is the Tenant’s responsibility to keep the grass well-groomed and in a neat and tidy state in their storage yard site, failing which the Landlord reserves the right to prevent the Tenant from storing Watercraft within the Park. Unapproved offseason storage of large and unsightly chattels on Site may be subject to penalties in an amount determined by the Landlord and invoiced to the Tenant which amount shall be paid immediately upon receipt of the said invoice. The Tenant assumes all risk in connection with the storage of Watercraft and releases the Landlord in connection with any claims which the Tenant may have against the Landlord for such damage or loss. The Tenant also indemnifies the Landlord in connection with claims made by third parties against the Landlord for loss to the third party’s Watercraft as a result of the acts or omissions of the Tenant.
Tenants are permitted to park one passenger vehicle within the boundaries of the Site. Parking is strictly prohibited on interior roadways, green spaces, and vacant lots.
In the event that any PLGC property, including the Site, is directly or indirectly damaged by the Tenant, the Tenant’s spouse or children or the Tenant’s guests or visitors, it is the Tenant’s responsibility to repair such damage, at the Tenant’s own cost. If the Tenant fails to repair the said damage within a reasonable time, the Landlord may, but is not require to, carry out such repairs and recover any and all costs incurred by the Landlord on such repairs, (including the Landlord’s legal costs as between solicitor and their own client on a full indemnity basis) from the Tenant.
Washing of recreational vehicles, vehicles and watercraft is not permitted without prior, written permission of the Landlord.
If any fluids leak from the recreational vehicle (for example, oil, gasoline, anti-freeze, transmission fluid or any other liquids or contaminants) then the Tenant shall, at the Tenant’s cost, remove all soil contaminated thereby and shall replace the soil removed with new clean soil. If the Tenant fails to perform their obligations as aforesaid, then the Landlord may take all steps to remove such contamination and replace the removed soil with clean soil and all costs incurred by the Landlord in so doing shall be paid by the Tenant to the Landlord on demand.
a) Each Site shall only accommodate one recreational vehicle that is either a trailer, a motor home or, with the Landlord’s written consent, a park model. The water supply faucet and the power supply at each Site will be used only for the designated recreational vehicle for the Site. Visitors with their own recreational vehicle must park in areas designated by the Landlord.
b) The Site is to be kept in a neat, tidy and clean condition, including the lawn areas around the Site. The Tenant shall also keep the Site in such condition aforesaid in accordance with any written notice from the Landlord. Failure to comply will result in an insufficient Site maintenance assessment of $50.00 per week determined by the Landlord in its sole and unfettered discretion, and shall be paid forthwith upon being invoiced therefore by the Landlord.
c) Except as specifically permitted by this Agreement, additional storage sheds, decks, bunk houses, gazebos and fences shall not be placed on the Site and Park without the Landlord’s prior written consent. The Landlord can withhold such consent for any reason whatsoever without giving any reason therefor.
d) Tenant Improvements
i. Tenant Improvements are not to exceed 1,000 square feet of total ground coverage.
ii. Maximum two (2) sheds per Site, with a maximum size of one hundred twenty (120) square feet per shed.
iii. Shall not be built within four (4) feet of neighboring Tenant’s structures, regardless of the placement of those neighboring structures.
iv. Shall be setback a minimum of four (4) feet from PLGC roads.
Existing Tenant improvements that do not meet the section 2d) rules (excluding number of sheds) as of April 1st, 2022 may remain “as-is” until a transfer of ownership takes place. Prior to any transfer of ownership (including but not limited to sale, gift bequeathment) the Site must be brought into compliance with the rules before a transfer of ownership will be accepted by the Landlord.
After April 1st, 2022, if a Site has NOT been brought into compliance with the section 2d) rules prior to a transfer of ownership taking place, the Landlord will immediately demand that the new owner bring the Site into compliance. Any cost, legal suit, or other remedy sought by the new Tenant shall be the sole responsibility of the previous Tenant.
All signatories to this Agreement will hold the Landlord, Pigeon Lake Golf Club (1991) Holdings Ltd. and each of their directors, officers, employees, contractors, managers, agents and shareholders, and all of their successors and assigns, from any and all costs, charges, claims, actions, losses, damages, expenses and liabilities (including the Landlord’s legal costs as between solicitor and their own client on a full indemnity basis) that may result from any transfer of ownership.
The Landlord, in its sole unfettered discretion, will exercise any and all rights available to it under this Lease Agreement to bring Sites into compliance upon transfer of ownership.
e) The Tenant shall ensure that any structure built on the Site is safe, in good repair and in a condition not likely to cause injury to any persons on the Site. The Landlord reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to declare any of the Tenant’s structures to be unsafe, in which case such structure shall be dismantled or repaired by the Tenant to the satisfaction of the Landlord. At the end of the Lease Term, the Tenant shall remove all structures on the Site and restore the Site to its original state, subject to the Landlord’s direction. The Tenant is responsible for complying with the Alberta Fire Code at their expense. The Landlord may require that Tenant Improvements be removed or modified if they pose a fire hazard as determined by the Landlord in their sole and unfettered discretion.
f) The Tenant is entitled to use one electrical receptacle and the water supply located within the Tenant’s Site. These facilities shall not be shared with other recreational vehicles.
g) No dumping of grey water or sewage is permitted to be carried out by the Tenant on the Park’s grounds
h) Clothes lines may not exceed six feet in height and must be removed at the end of the Season.
i) Satellite dishes, nails, screws or bolts shall not be inserted into trees anywhere within the park.
j) Upon written Tenant notification to the Landlord, and within reasonable timeframe as determined in the sole, unfettered discretion of the Landlord, PLGC Management will have tree health assessed, and if necessary, will remove dangerous trees from the Property. If trees are required to be removed from a Site, the Tenant, at the Tenant’s cost, shall remove recreational vehicles, fencing and other structures to facilitate such removal. Unauthorized tree and vegetation removal are strictly prohibited and may lead to eviction. The cost to replace any trees either deliberately or unintentionally damaged is the sole responsibility of the Tenant.
k) If a Tenant has a tree they would like removed for other reasons (aesthetics, room to park etc.) the Landlord may consider this request in writing if the Tenant agrees to cover the cost of removal. Typically, the removal cost is $350 - $800 per tree depending on its location, size and difficulty to remove. These requests can be emailed to
The Landlord will provide weekly garbage and recycling collection. All house hold garbage must be bagged, tied and placed in the Park trash bins by 9am on the garbage collection date, and that date will be communicated to Tenants. Garbage containers must be concealed from view on RV Sites. Grass clippings and/or leaves, and empty bottles for recycling must be placed in clear garbage bags. Cardboard must be broken down and tied in a manner which enables easy compaction. Large item, electronics and hazardous item disposal is the responsibility of the Tenant. Tenants shall not deposit leaves, ashes, wood, propane bottles, barbeques, furniture, lawn chairs, large objects or any other unaccepted material posted into the Park garbage bins. Bins are to be used courteously and with respect for other Tenants.
The Tenant shall ensure that all persons under the age of 18 will be confined to their Site after 11:00 p.m., unless accompanied by an adult.
Quiet time is from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Tenants are required to keep noise to a level that will not disturb other users of the Park during that time. Loud music is not allowed at any time. Activities that generate noise that may be objectionable or disturb other Tenants are not allowed after 11:00 p.m. The Landlord may determine what constitutes unacceptable noise and the Tenant shall be bound by the Landlord’s decision.
No one under 16 years of age or without valid driver’s license is permitted to operate a golf cart anywhere on PLGC property.
All golf carts on PLGC property require a paid annual cart pass / trail fee regardless of whether or not the Tenant plays golf.
Advertising signs or other postings are not permitted on the Site. The Landlord may provide a bulletin board for Tenant advertising.
Tenants will not feed or interfere with wildlife on PLGC property.
Tenants are responsible for rodent control within their Site. Rodent poison is limited to Warfarin in pet-proof containers only and is not to be placed outside the Tenant’s recreational vehicle.
Firewood is available for purchase through the golf course check-in counter.
Large appliance usage, such as freezers, welders, etc. are strictly prohibited.
Refrigerators, separate of the one that was originally installed in Tenant’s recreational vehicles, will only be permitted on PLGC property if they are “Energy Star” rated, under 20 cubic feet in size, and newer than 2018 model year.
All other refrigerators MUST be removed from PLGC property. Refrigerators that cannot be verified by the Landlord to meet these requirements are also barred from PLGC property. Failure to remove a non-compliant refrigerator will result in a $300 assessment to the Tenant and possible further action as determined by the sole unfettered discretion of the Landlord.
Tenants shall at all times be courteous and respectful to the Landlord’s staff and other Tenants.
The Landlord has a no tolerance policy for fireworks and firearms. The Tenant shall not use fireworks, firecrackers, or cap guns within the Park. No firearms, bows, crossbows or weapons of any kind are allowed within the Park. Any breach of the foregoing will result in a $500 fine and possible immediate termination of this Agreement.
If this Agreement is terminated, the Tenant will be allowed fourteen (14) clear days between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., to remove all personal belongings, recreational vehicles and Tenant Improvements that are required to be removed.